Sodiq Ojuroungbe Expectant mothers using makeup and personal care products may have to put a stop to it to avoid developing hypertension, according to maternal health experts. The gynaecologists pointed out that exposure to certain chemicals found in personal care products could lead to an increased risk of hypertension, a condition that could have serious consequences for both the mother and the baby. Speaking exclusively with PUNCH Healthwise, the gynaecologists advised expectant mothers to be cautious when using hair dyes, nail polishes, and skincare creams, as they could contain harmful chemicals like lead, mercury, and parabens.

The warning comes as new research suggests that exposure to certain chemicals found in cosmetics and personal care products could lead to an increased risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy. A recent study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that phenols and parabens, two common classes of chemicals found in many personal care products, could raise the risk of hypertension during pregnancy. The new study revealed that phenols and parabens could raise the risk of developing high blood pressure by 57 per cent, and the risk is particularly high between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation.

The findings were based on health data of more than 1,000 pregnant women in northern Puerto Rico. To estimate the levels of 12 phenols and parabens, the researchers conducted a urine test on each participant. They also estimated their sy.