Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s relationship went much further in the 2020s than it did when they first became a couple. But Lopez asserted that didn’t make things any easier between them. Jennifer Lopez once shared what was different about her and Ben Affleck’s relationship now Lopez and Affleck both felt that they were in better places emotionally after rekindling their romance.

When they were first together, the media attention their relationship caused made being together difficult. But the pair seemed to feel that they partially helped invite the criticisms they experienced. Although they didn’t want the attention, Lopez felt some of their actions helped encourage it.

And it was a mistake neither of them thought they’d repeat in their older, more mature years. “Before we kind of put [our relationship] out there and we were naïve and it got a little trampled,” Lopez said in a 2022 interview with People . “We both were like, ‘Wow, we’re so happy and we don’t want any of that to come into play again.

’ We’re older now, we’re smarter, we have more experience, we’re at different places in our lives, we have kids now, and we have to be very conscious of those things. We’re so protective because it is such a beautiful time for all of us.” This mentality seemed to work for a while.

Lopez and Affleck actually ended up marrying each other this time, honoring the vows they made decades ago. They got married at Las Vegas after a year of dating bef.