Economic development: Improved road infrastructure could boost trade and commerce by providing better access to markets, facilitating the transport of goods and services, and attracting investment in the region. Improved accessibility: A bitumen road would provide more reliable and faster transportation, especially during the rainy season when gravel roads can become impassable. This could enhance connectivity for residents, businesses, and tourists.

Tourism growth: Tsumkwe is in the Otjozondjupa region, an area with a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Better roads would attract more tourists, contributing to local economic growth and job creation. Safety and comfort: Bitumen roads are generally safer and more comfortable to travel on, compared to gravel roads.

They reduce vehicle wear and tear, decrease travel time and lower the risk of accidents. Healthcare and emergency services: Improved road conditions would enhance access to healthcare and emergency services, ensuring that residents receive timely medical attention and other critical services. Environmental benefits: Bitumen roads could reduce dust pollution, which is a common issue with gravel roads, improving air quality and reducing respiratory issues for the local population.

Access to education: Better roads would facilitate easier access to schools and educational institutions, promoting higher attendance and educational attainment in the region. Social integration: Improved transportation infrastructure .