Today, Trump held an hourlong news conference in the main room at Mar-a-Lago. He insulted Kamala Harris’s intelligence, lied about the state of the U.S.

economy, and claimed the country would be in mortal danger if he didn’t win the election. In other words, the usual Trump torrent of lies and insults. But what got my attention was his description of his departure from the White House as a “peaceful” transfer of power, his insistence that the group that mounted the assault on the Capitol was relatively small, and his boast that attendance at his January 6 rally preceding the assault was larger than the crowd Martin Luther King Jr.

drew on the National Mall for his “I Have a Dream” speech. Friends, these are not the statements of a sane person. Trump is showing growing signs of dementia.

In April, he spoke to a rally in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania, about the famed Civil War battle at Gettysburg. Trump told the audience: Trump continued, “Gettysburg, wow — I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch." During the last months of the Republican primaries, he repeatedly claimed that his opponent Nikki Haley was in charge of Capitol security on January 6.

(Haley never had any connection to Capitol security.) He has repeatedly confused whom he ran against in the past, such as stating , “With Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn’t be won.” (Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016.

) Last September, Trump suggested that the way to prevent w.