Do you struggle to keep your home clutter-free, or look at streamlined spaces and wonder how on earth people do it? I'm an award-winning interiors therapist and one of the things I love about diving into this process with clients is how it quickly transforms their attitude to clutter, and usually, ushers in a new age of low tolerance for the chaos clutter brings and effective elimination and prevention. In this guide, I reveal the five reasons I usually see individuals and families hold onto ‘stuff’. Once you understand your reasons and break down the 'why' behind retaining items you don't need or appreciate, it will become much easier to stick to decluttering golden rules .

Before we go back to basics to explore the five psychological reasons people accumulate and keep clutter , and why some readers may find it so daunting to deal with, it's important to identify what precisely counts as clutter in a home. This which will be unique to you and as they say, ‘One person's clutter is another's treasure’ and that’s absolutely true. Something completely obsolete in your life, may turn into the blessing of the year for someone else.

This is relevant because ‘clutter’ is not just about your extreme Tupperware challenge, or the pile of stuff behind the door, it can be décor items you don’t like, clothes which no longer suit you, bedlinen dating back to the 1970s which is still hogging the linen closet, surplus furniture and more, leading to losing control of clutter.