Ever wondered if your dreams are trying to tell you something? Dreams can sometimes feel so realistic, it's easy to wonder how (and why) your brain could have conjured them up. Especially when dreams have specific or recurring themes — like pregnancy or childbirth — it feels like your subconscious is trying to deliver a message. But according to one expert, dreaming about being pregnant or giving birth can have different meanings depending on the specific type of dream .

If you've ever wondered what it means to dream about being pregnant, we asked a sleep expert about some of the most common interpretations — whether you're pregnant when you have the dream or not. Thankfully, like many dreams, being pregnant in your subconscious alternate reality isn't necessarily connected to being pregnant in real life. There are many ways to interpret dreams that are centered around birth or pregnancy.

Read on to see a few of them and find out which one sounds the most relatable. Carlie Gasia is a Spencer Institute–endorsed certified sleep science coach and certified wellness coach. What Does It Mean to Dream About Being Pregnant? Some dreams are memorable because they're so outlandish — like dreams in which you forget to wear clothes in public or all your teeth fall out mid-sentence.

But that doesn't mean any of these scenarios are likely to happen. While finding out you're pregnant is well within the realm of possibility for many people, that doesn't mean you should take pregna.