The start of October marks the onset of the spooky season, characterised by the emergence of baking shows scheduled just for Halloween. Within the realm of baking competitions, Halloween Wars chronicles the endeavors of bakers, candy makers, and pumpkin carvers as they vie to produce the most eerie, elaborate, and delectable Halloween-themed products. Each three-person team in the competition is vying for a monetary reward of $25,000.

However, one of the teams participating in the ongoing season had to abruptly withdraw. Snax Sabbath terminated its participation in the tournament, and there was no apparent justification for their abrupt departure. Such is our current knowledge.

Table of Contents What was the Reason for Snax Sabbath’s Leaving ‘Halloween Wars’? In the thirteenth season, a team unexpectedly withdrew from the tournament. Apparently, Team Sabbath, which comprises Luke Schroder, Fred Isla, and Jean Schapowal, departed from the show yesterday. In the thirteenth season of the Halloween Wars, Snax Sabbath was among the nine teams actively participating.

Within the crew, Luke Schroder is employed as the pumpkin carver at Addictive Tattoo in Sioux City, while Jean Schapowal specializes in cake carving and Fred Isla is a sugar artist. In particular, Luke Schroder has had prior appearances on several television programs, with KTIV being the most recent one. After drawing inspiration from Halloween Wars, Luke honed his talent and even carved the faces of the morning .