A recent biography of Queen Elizabeth II has unveiled surprising details about her interactions with former US President Donald Trump . The book , "A Voyage Around The Queen" by Craig Brown , claims that the Queen regarded Trump as "very rude " and speculated about his relationship with his wife, Melania. The biography also highlights various controversial leaders the Queen hosted throughout her reign.

Craig Brown’s book alleges that Queen Elizabeth was not particularly fond of Trump’s behaviour during his two visits to the UK during his presidency. The Queen found Trump's habit of looking over her shoulder as though "in search of others more interesting" to be especially disrespectful. She reportedly shared this sentiment with a guest at a lunch a few weeks after one of Trump's visits.

“A few weeks after President Trump's visit, for instance, she confided in one lunch guest that she found him ‘very rude’: she particularly disliked the way he couldn't stop looking over her shoulder, as though in search of others more interesting.” The biography also delves into the Queen's thoughts on Trump’s marriage to Melania Trump . Queen Elizabeth speculated that the couple must have some sort of arrangement, although she couldn’t figure out the details.

“She also believed President Trump ‘must have some sort of arrangement’ with his wife Melania, or else why would she have remained married to him?” the book claimed. The book paints a broader picture of Queen Eliz.