Why Did Jason Kelce Retire From the NFL? By ‘s retirement from the NFL earlier this year came as a surprise to many fans. It sparked widespread curiosity about what led the Philadelphia Eagles star to step away from the game. Now, the NFL star has opened up about his decision to retire.

In this article, we will delve into the details of Jason Kelce’s retirement from the NFL. Jason Kelce’s retirement from the NFL explained Jason Kelce’s decision to retire from the NFL came after a reflective offseason, where he realized it was time to step away from the game. Reflecting on his career in a recent episode of the , the former Philadelphia Eagles standout shared that it was the toll of lingering injuries, particularly in his elbow and knees, that signaled it was time to step away.

Kelce acknowledged that while he hadn’t seen a dramatic decline in his performance on game day, the wear and tear on his body, along with the challenging recovery process, had reached a point where he could no longer perform at his highest standard. “The physical portion is at a point that it’s not a desire to continue to do,” he stated. “The reality was, it was more firm than it’s ever been this year that I just don’t think physically, I can compete at the level I want to anymore, and really compete the way I want to,” Kelce added.

(via ) Despite being certain about his decision, Kelce admitted there was disappointment over the timing. His final season ended in frustration, with .