The Resident Pastor 2, Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC), London, Tobi Ashimolowo has stressed the need for Christians to cultivate corporate prayer as part of their lifestyle. Speaking on the theme: “Corporate Prayer,” which was aired on national TV, the Resident Pastor 2 said believers of old were able to do exploits through corporate prayer. He mentioned different types of prayers to include prayer of petition,thanksgiving and intercession, among others, adding these prayers helped the early church to intercede for their communities, nations, the church.

He said: “Many of the revivals that we read about or hear about started as a result of corporate prayers. Majority of prayers mentioned in the New Testament were corporate prayers. The early church would meet often and sometimes daily to pray corporately.

I can confidently assume that when the apostles gathered in Acts 2, they were praying corporately and it was prayer of being in one accord.” Ashimolowo, who quoted Acts 2:1-4, to further buttress his point, reminded Christians that corporate prayer has always and will continue to be an important part of the local church, the body of Christ and believers. Explaining what corporate prayer is, he said: “It simply means when the church or congregation or a group get together to pray, focusing on the same topic.

Corporate prayer is when we come together to pray for our local community. Corporate prayer is when we come together to pray for those among us .