SUNDAY, Aug. 18, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- As kids head back to school this fall, there is probably one item many parents haven't thought to put on the to-do list: dental checkups. But they should make sure their children's teeth are in good shape, said Dr.

Natasha Flake , president of the American Association of Endodontists. First, remember that kids grow, and so do their teeth, Flake noted. That matters most for kids who wear mouthguards while playing sports.

Growth spurts, losing teeth and having new ones come in can change the fit of the mouthguard, so it may be time to have it checked for the right fit. What else should be checked? After a long summer of potentially bad dental hygiene, cavities can form. So, it’s a good time to get your kid's teeth cleaned and remind them of the importance of good dental habits.

If your child develops tooth pain, seek out an endodontist, Flake added. What if your child is unlucky and gets a tooth knocked out just before school starts? More than 5 million teeth are knocked out every year in children and adults, according to Flake. Children under the age of 10 are extremely susceptible to this injury, so a back-to-school dental visit can teach parents and their kids how to handle a knocked-out tooth, Flake said.

Here are four things to do when a tooth is knocked out: More information Nemours Kids Health has more on dental care for kids . SOURCE: American Association of Endodontists, news release.