If you have been thinking about changing host agencies, August is an ideal time to make a move. Now is a great time to assess your situation and to look at host agency alternatives where you might be better off – both financially and with more support. Here are three great reasons to make a move NOW .

.. One of the main reasons that home based agents are sometimes reluctant to make the move is because they are concerned about a gap in income and about having to learn a lot of new procedures and systems.

But if you can earn more and get more support, doesn’t that make it worth it? Q&A WITH TTAND NEWCOMER The Travel Agent Next Door is well aware of these concerns and has taken steps to ensure a smooth and efficient transition with a lot of support throughout. We asked Helen Cowden of The World is Yours in Midland, ON about her recent move to TTAND from a storefront office position. What made you decide to make the move to become a home based agent? Cowden: “After 25 years as a full time agent at an office with a 9-to-5 job I decided that it was time to embark on a new adventure and I reached out to The Travel Agent Next Door.

I know several agents that are agents for TTAND and it sounded like it would be the perfect fit for me. My decision to transition was driven by a desire to have more flexibility, better accessibility to clients and the ability to offer my clients a much wider range of products.” How did you find the transition – was it difficult? Cowden: “The mo.