The advanced countries have this service, of which the country ¡Pura Vida! does not escape...

Here you will know its function and curiosities...

Postal codes are useful for many things, among them, for sending letters, packages, and merchandise or for the delivery of purchases. Several countries in the world, such as Costa Rica, have the wonderful service of postal codes for the registration and official control of properties (real estate), for the provision of basic services (water, electricity , internet, drainage, among others), and the payment of taxes. It should be noted that every nation that wishes to be efficient and more advanced needs to make use of postal codes.

Yes, undoubtedly postal codes are efficient and it is essential to raise awareness of their invaluable usefulness in ministries, autonomous institutions, provincial governments, municipalities, and local and foreign public. Towards the near future In the future, experts in the field emphasize that postal codes could be a logical and modern system to be implemented more intensively for the numbering of streets, roads, highways, mountain trails , or trails in forests, riverbeds, and even sea shores. The codes are associated with a unique district Costa Rica’s zip codes are numeric, have five digits, are associated with a unique district, and identify it.

Regarding the digits, the first refers to the number of the provinces (which are seven), the second and third: to the cantons (82 unique within the provin.