Millets are touted as a fabulous addition to your children's diet. Loaded with protein, calcium, iron, phosphorous and fibre, they are excellent food items that should be included in their daily meals. Besides the above nutrients, Indian millets like sorghum or jowar contain antioxidants and non-saturated fats.

Meanwhile, ragi or finger millet is a storehouse of iron and calcium. Kora or foxtail millet contains more minerals than any other millet variety. Here's what you should know more about the health benefits of millet.

1) They are loaded with protein. Unlike in the case of quinoa, protein is not lost while cooking millets. So, millets are great for muscle growth and development.

2) Millets contain lots of fibre and complex carbohydrates. Besides, the low glycemic index in millets doesn’t shoot up the blood sugar level like rice or wheat. This is an excellent source of nutrients that can prevent obesity in children.

3) The fibre in millet hydrates the large intestine, preventing constipation in children. 4) The prebiotics in millets ensure the health of the digestive system. 5) Millets contain magnesium that boosts neuromuscular functioning.

It aids muscle development and makes the bones and teeth stronger. 6) Niacin or vitamin B3 reduces cholesterol, which could help prevent the risk of heart diseases in future. Moreover, it acts as a supporting enzyme for reversing oxidative stress.

7) All millet varieties are rich in antioxidants. 8) Millets are gluten-free and anti-.