Three in four Gen Zers are putting the blame on social media for having a negative impact on their mental health, according to a new study. The poll of 2,000 Gen Z Americans who use social media found Instagram (20%), TikTok (20%) and Facebook (13%) have all had a negative impact on their wellbeing. Many said the reasons they use social media are because they’re bored (66%), want to laugh (59%), want to see what’s happening in the world (49%) and to see what their friends are up to (44%).

However, this social media scrolling leaves nearly half of Gen Zers (49%) feeling some kind of negative emotion like stress and anxiety (30%). Commissioned by LG Electronics and conducted by Talker Research, the study found those who experience negative emotions report that it only takes them 38 minutes on social media before they start to feel bad. Respondents attribute these feelings to consuming upsetting content (51%), feeling unproductive with how they spent their time (49%) and/or experiencing FOMO (36%).

The average person spends five and a half hours on social media apps per day, and 45% believe they spend more time on social media than their friends. “We spend a significant portion of our lives online and often these experiences may leave us feeling drained and not mentally stimulated,” said Louis Giagrande, head of U.S.

marketing at LG Electronics. “We encourage everyone to be more conscious about the social media content they choose to engage with, bringing stronger bala.