The descendants of , the late last king of Greece, may no longer officially rule, but the Greek royal family is far from dead. Who needs Greece when you preside over New York, London, St Moritz, Paris and the Bahamas? Crown Prince Pavlos and his wife, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal (MC to friends), are the king and queen of the social realm. They rule from their Upper East Side mansion in Manhattan, and three of their five children also live in New York: the two youngest – Prince Odysseas-Kimon and Prince Aristidis-Stavros and Prince Achileas-Andreas, who has just graduated from NYU.

(aka ‘Tino’, a Georgetown graduate and godson of the Prince of Wales), flits between New York and London – where he ‘always has a table’ at The Box – and is based in Notting Hill. At precisely 7.30am every day, MC leaves her Manhattan pile to walk her dog in the park, before having breakfast with the family.

She’s ‘organised, relaxed and controlled...

and doesn’t suffer any fools’, attests close friend Taki Theodoracopulos. By day, she designs her childrenswear line and later might be found dining at Eli’s wine bar and Gina La Fornarina or Balthazar. MC’s tipple? A piscine – champagne with ice cubes.

But the Greeces are truly transatlantic. The social circuit in London almost imploded in 2017 when MC and Pavlos left. Their palatial Cheyne Walk house had been the hottest dinner-party spot in town; invitations to their Cotswolds mansion have long been coveted (Valentino an.