With the Paris Olympics in full swing, this incredible summer of sport is not yet over. What better time to round up the best practices and insights from Wimbledon, asks Paula Albuquerque at YKONE? Ralph Lauren decorated their Bond Street flagship store for Wimbledon, providing a photo opportunity for fans / Windowswear For brands, activating at events like Wimbledon incites attention and cultural affinity in a way that very few other moments can rival. Using Campaygn, proprietary social and influencer intelligence software, my colleagues at YKONE analyzed over two million mentions to unveil which brands aced the Wimbledon opportunity with impactful marketing strategies that captured attention and drove conversations.

Ralph Lauren: setting the benchmark As Wimbledon’s official outfitter, Ralph Lauren took center stage as the best-performing brand by interactions, reaching 3.5 million, or 73.3% of the total.

The brand’s activation seamlessly brought together Ralph Lauren’s impeccable hospitality and unmatched passion for tennis, with dramatic installations over the Bond Street flagship store that offered immense photo opportunities for fans. Yet, it was largely the influencer and celebrity activations that drove conversations on socials. Naturally, the Grand Slam will always bring out the A-list, with Vogue’s annual lunch held in partnership with Ralph Lauren attracting high caliber celebrities en masse – including Jodie Turner-Smith, Leo Woodall, Tom Hiddleston and .