As Naomi Osaka makes after a two-year hiatus, she has her team and family supporting her. Getting ready for a Grand Slam, she tells , "I try to keep it all the same." She adds, "I don't try to deviate too much, but I think for Grand Slams, everyone takes it a little bit more seriously, me included.

" That "everyone" includes her coaches and her business team. "I've been really fortunate to be surrounded by really good people, like my agent, my manager, everyone around me," she says. "The're like my family.

" Here, get to know Naomi Osaka's team—and who sits in her player's box. Naomi is very close with her mom, Tamaki, who is always in her player's box cheering her daughter on. Tamaki worked "incredibly hard to support me and my passion for play," Naomi .

"She always put others first and encouraged me to embrace my diversity. Every role model I've had has inspired me to dream big. To level up in every way.

" Tamaki played a part in Naomi's choice to play for Japan, though she grew up in the United States. "We made the decision that Naomi would represent Japan at an early age," Tamaki said the Netflix show. "She was born in Osaka and was brought up in a household of Japanese and Haitian culture.

Quite simply, Naomi and her sister, Mari, have always felt Japanese so that was our only rationale. It was never a financially motivated decision nor were we ever swayed either way by any national federation." Her longtime coach, Wim Fissette, is also always in her box.

"She has won her.