Telegram founder & CEO Pavel Durov has hit the headlines for the wrong reasons. The billionaire was detained by the French police after his private jet arrived at Le Bourget Airport on Saturday evening. The entrepreneur was arrested after Telegram users filed complaints regarding the lack of moderators on the app.

The messaging app has become a popular hubspot for criminal activities . Telegram did not provide an instant reply to a request for comment from Reuters. Both the French Interior Ministry and the police offered no remarks.

Meanwhile, Russia 's Foreign Ministry mentioned that it was working on "clarifying" the situation and expressed doubts about whether Western NGOs would push for his release. Who Is Pavel Durov? Durov is an entrepreneur hailing from Russia. He is the co-founder of the popular messaging app Telegram as well as the social networking site VK.

Telegram, which was launched in 2013, quickly became one of the most popular apps in Russia, Ukraine, and the republics of the former Soviet Union. The messaging app also emerged as a source of information for Russia against Ukraine. Durov has landed in trouble regarding Telegram.

Due to the lack of moderation, the messaging app has become the home of several criminal activities, such as drug trade, sex trafficking, and child abuse. Durov is an alumnus of Saint Petersburg State University, where he obtained a first-class Philology degree. He has a brother named Nikolai, who co-founded Telegram and served as lead .