The Malayalam Film Industry is in turmoil after the Hema Committee report's release, which has shed light on ongoing sexual allegations. Following Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra's #MeToo accusation against Ranjith, now Malayalam actress Minu Muneer has shared her experience. In a Facebook post, she named four actors—Mukesh, Maniyanpilla Raju, Idavela Babu, and Jayasurya—accusing them of physically and verbally abusing her on the set of a 2013 film.

The revelations continue to stir the industry, bringing more attention to these serious allegations. . Minu Muneer, also known as Minu Kurian, is a Malayalam actress who appeared in films like (2009), (2011), and .

According to one of her Facebook profiles, she studied Psychology at National Skill India Mission, attended St. Mary's Residential Central School in Thiruvalla, and pursued a BA LLB at SDM Law College in Mangalore. .

Actress Gayathri Varsha has voiced her support for Minu, following her allegations against four film industry figures. Gayathri disclosed that Minu had shared with her unsettling incidents of misconduct on film sets, recounting distressing experiences of inappropriate behaviour by well-known individuals in the industry. Childline India – 1098; Women’s Helpline – 181; National Commission for Women Helpline –112; National Commission for Women Helpline Against Violence – 7827170170; Police Women/ Senior Citizen Helpline – 1091/ 1291; Missing Child and Women – 1094.
