Jenna Piwowarczyk, a student at Concordia College, started a group called "Swifites for Trump," to encourage fans to vote for former President in this year's presidential election. On Sunday, the former president reposted content on his social media plaftorm Truth Social about the "Swifties for Trump" group and even reposted an artificial intelligence (AI)-generated photo of Swift telling people to vote for him. In his caption, Trump wrote: "I accept!" Piwowarczyk, 19, celebrated Trump acknowledging the group and said in a video posted to YouTube that she met Trump at a Wisconsin rally in June while wearing her "Swifties for Trump" shirt.

"I think this movement is super awesome and also super important because it's no secret that millions of young female voters consider themselves Swifties and we don't want them to have to choose between loving Taylor Swift and supporting conservative ideologies at the ballot box in November," Piwowarczyk said in the video. Swift rarely wades into politics and has yet to endorse anyone this election cycle. However, Swift spoke out against Senator , a Tennessee , in 2018 and endorsed President and Vice President during the 2020 presidential election.

Piwowarczyk told on Monday via email that the response to the group has been "huge," although she doesn't expect Swift to endorse anyone this election cycle. She acknowledged that Swift has fans on both sides of the political aisle and speculated that the recent terror threat that wouldn't have ha.