Singer Armaan Malik, known for his soulful voice, recently tied the knot with Aashna Shroff in an intimate ceremony. While Armaan is celebrated for his music, Aashna shines in her own right as a fashion influencer and entrepreneur. Here’s everything you need to know about the woman who captured Armaan’s heart.

All about Aashna Shroff Born on August 4, 1993, Aashna grew up in Mumbai and is now 31 years old. She has built a successful career as a fashion blogger, model, and social media influencer. With over 1 million followers on Instagram, she’s a force to reckon with in the digital space.

ALSO READ - Armaan Malik-Aashna Shroff Wedding Pics: Of Love And Big Smiles Aashna’s journey began in 2013 when she started writing blogs about fashion and lifestyle. Over the years, her content resonated with audiences, making her one of India’s most recognised influencers. In addition to her blogging career, Aashna explored e-commerce by launching her online store, The Snob Shop.

Her venture reflects her keen sense of style and business acumen. Educational and family background Aashna completed her higher secondary education at Mithibai College in Mumbai and later pursued a fashion course at the prestigious London College of Fashion. She also explored Interior Designing and Photography.

For a broader perspective, she studied at New Zealand Tertiary College. Raised by her single mother, Kiran Shyam Shroff - a successful model - Aashna was inspired to follow her passion for fashio.