Aashna Shroff, a renowned fashion and beauty influencer, has taken the internet by storm with her career in blogging, YouTube, and entrepreneurship. Recently, she became the wife of popular Indian playback singer Armaan Malik. A post shared by ARMAAN MALIK (@armaanmalik) Here’s everything you need to know about her remarkable journey: Born on August 4, 1993, in Mumbai, Aashna Shroff hails from a Sindhi Hindu family.

She completed her Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) from Mithibai College, Mumbai, before pursuing a degree in fashion from the prestigious London College of Fashion. Before becoming a fashion icon, Aashna started her career as a preschool teacher. However, her passion for fashion led her to enter the industry in 2013, when she launched her online fashion store, ‘The Snob Shop,’ on Facebook.

A post shared by The Snob Home (@snobhome) Aashna transitioned into blogging in 2013, further solidifying her influence by creating her YouTube channel, ‘The Snob Journal.’ Focused on beauty, fashion, and travel, her channel quickly garnered over 1.5 lakh subscribers, gaining her recognition in the digital space.

Over the years, Aashna has collaborated with major beauty brands such as NYKAA, L’Oreal, Maybelline, and Estee Lauder, enhancing her reputation in the fashion and beauty industry. In 2023, she was named the Cosmopolitan Luxury Fashion Influencer of the Year, cementing her place as a leading influencer. Also Read: Top 5 TV Personalities Of The Week: Bigg B.