The Queen, who arises early, not requiring as much beauty sleep as I do, turns the machine on. A little later I arrive after fumbling my way down the staircase to the music of the cartilage chorus, I snap, crackle and pop my way to the kitchen where my coffee mug awaits. My mug of choice is a half-liter stoneware beer mug.

It holds two cups of my morning drug of choice and keeps it warm for a half an hour or so. I fill it, add a dash of French Vanilla creamer and head for my recliner. A couple of large sips and the world starts to come into focus, a couple more gulps and I start to hear the birds singing outside.

I realize that another busy day of being retired lies before me and that once more coffee has saved my life. My brain starts to function, it usually doesn’t wake up until a half an hour or more after the rest of us gets up. The Queen heads out for her day’s activities, Telly, our trusty canine companion, curls up for his after breakfast nap on his comfy bed and since the night’s fog is working its way out of my system, it’s an excellent time for a ponder.

I have a mental file of one word topics for pondering, today I chose “Sand”. I remember sticking that word in the ponder file the other day when I was stopped at a highway construction site for five or six minutes. There was a little boy playing in a dump truck load of sand next to his driveway.

He had a small plastic dump truck and was doing some major road construction project that involved much fillin.