It has become customary for all supporters, the Uneducated, Half Educated and even the so called Educated to question, ‘What has been done for the Country, by previous Govts for the last 76 years? Is it that they believe the Country was the same, 76 yrs ago after Independence? For those of us who span over 70 yrs, we remember the living conditions that prevailed then and the conditions that prevail now. In the ‘50s till ’77 the Rich constituted around 15% and the rest, the majority 85% were the Poor. Less than a 10% had Income Tax files as Income Tax Payers.

Only the Rich were privileged to own a Comfortable House, a Vehicle, a Telephone, a Refrigerator and other Household Gadgetry. Bans were imposed on Imports of Grapes, Apples and Chocolates, considering only the Rich consumed them, introduced soon after ’56 and the bans on Vehicles and all Electrical items, was introduced in the ‘70s. We were under a Closed Door Economy with Foreign Exchange Laws that prevented the Locals converting Rupees to Dollars and Pound Sterling.

Only an allowance of 2.50 Sterling Pounds was permitted to a person travelling abroad, whose Air Ticket had been paid by friend or relative living outside the country. There was a Black Market for Foreign Currency and if anyone was found violating Foreign Exchange Laws were severely dealt with Imprisonment and Confiscation of property.

Losing Hotel Mt. Lavinia was a case in point amongst many others who had sent their children for studies overseas.