Mark J. Christman works a puzzle called CryptoQuote. The player chooses letters to be used in place of other letters to figure out a famous quote.

A recent one Christman solved was: “What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” “I thought, ‘that’s a keeper,’” said Christman, a Trib Total Media board member, as part of his comments after he accepted the Whitehall Man of the Year Award on Saturday. ”So I started writing it down and wrote ‘What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious wife .’ “I thought: ‘I like that even better.

’ That quote is about paying attention to detail and remaining curious and being grateful for the ones who love you.” If you know Christman, that quote is spot on with both words “life” and “wife.” Christman has certainly lived through some wild moments.

And his wife, Renee, has been by his side through it all. Renee Christman captured video as her husband was lauded as the Man of the Year at the ceremony in Brennan Plaza on a beautiful 80-degree day as part of Whitehall Community Weekend. Brennan Plaza is named after former Whitehall Mayor Ed Brennan who did his research that this August weekend is the nicest of the summer in terms of weather, said Hannah Bower, Whitehall director of parks and recreation.

Close to 500 people attended Community Weekend — which includes a 20-team pickleball tournament on Sunday — to honor Christman, a former real estate and business attorney. He also starte.