TaleFlick , the online story discovery platform launched by “White Noise” producer Uri Singer and former Netflix executive George Berry, is opening its doors to poets in a move it says is driven by a desire to welcome submissions that “capture the essence, history, and vibrant traditions of Saudi Arabian culture.” Storytelling in the Arab world is traditionally tied to oral history and poetry. The stated goal of opening TaleFlick – which provides writers with a chance to showcase their work to producers and studios – is to build a bridge between Saudi poems and Hollywood.

“Poetry is the heartbeat of Saudi Arabian culture, resonating deeply with its people and heritage,” Singer – who is TaleFlick’s CEO – said in a statement to Variety. “By embracing poems, we aim to honor and elevate this beautiful art form, providing a platform to transform these stories into powerful visual narratives,” he added. TaleFlick’s expansion from fiction and non-fiction novels and screenplays into poetry from all over the world will allow poets from Saudi Arabia and beyond “to share their unique voices and stories with a global audience,” according to a statement.

The poems submitted to TaleFlick will be curated and showcased to a network of studios and producers, “offering a unique opportunity for these poetic works to be adapted into films, TV series, and other forms of visual storytelling,” it added. Submitted poems will be available to studios and producers w.