The White House is touting a new poll that it says shows vast support for President Biden’s proposed changes for the , which he announced last month. The USA Today- poll published Friday showed that 76% of respondents backed a proposed code of conduct for the , while 63% supported an 18-year term limit for the justices, as Mr. Biden has proposed.

And 70% of respondents favored a constitutional amendment declaring that no president is above the law. “President Biden’s common-sense reforms are backed by constitutional experts across the political spectrum, and large majorities of the American people,” a White House statement read. The poll surveyed 1,024 adults Aug.

2-4. Its margin of error was 3.2 percentage points.

In July, Mr. Biden suggested imposing a term limit on the justices and a constitutional amendment in the wake of the ruling on presidential immunity from prosecution. The justices ruled 6-3 that former President Donald Trump was immune from prosecution regarding official conduct in office.

The amendment would make it possible to prosecute presidents. Mr. Biden also proposed an ethics code be imposed on the .

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, issued a statement embracing the suggested reforms. When the proposals were linked directly to Mr. Biden, however, respondents’ support diminished.

A majority of Republican voters, 58%, said the proposal to impose term limits and enact a code of ethics was a “major threat to democracy.” Only 26.