The rise of everyday influencers and our fascination with them In the era of easily attainable stardom, becoming an influencer has never been more straightforward. The Covid-19 pandemic significantly transformed the digital landscape, providing ample opportunities for people to express themselves, connect with a global audience, and fulfill secret dreams of virtual fame. With physical interactions limited, people turned to the internet to socialize, entertain, and be entertained.

This shift created fertile ground for a new wave of influencers and content creators. The shift towards online expression was fueled by restrictions on leaving home, leading to a surge in virtual social life. For many, the audience expanded beyond the confines of neighborhoods and friend circles to encompass a worldwide community.

This virtual extended family became an outlet for homesick Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), who found solace and entertainment in daily vlogs. The ability to connect with others and share personal experiences helped bridge the gap caused by distance and isolation. Social media platforms have become the modern-day stage where anyone can perform and achieve stardom, much like being a resident of the Big Brother house.

These platforms have granted access to hidden aspirations of becoming celebrities. Regardless of appearance, age, or background, anyone can now achieve stardom. During the pandemic, both audiences and creators were confined at home, which led to a fascination w.