No matter what type of skin you have, sunscreen is an . You probably know that sunscreen is a necessary step in preventing sunburn and the UV damage that contributes to your . But sunscreen also prevents cosmetic changes to the skin, including premature signs of aging like fine lines, sagging skin and .

Unfortunately, many people think of sunscreen as thick, streaky, hard-to-apply products that too often leave a . And if you don't enjoy using your sunscreen, it'll be that much harder to remember to put it on every morning. But not all sunscreens are like that.

And the SPF world has made major strides in formulation technology. Today, you have a ton of sunscreen options to choose from — here's how to pick the one that's right for your skin type and preferences. While there a lot of sunscreens to choose from, experts tell TODAY.

com that there are also some non-negotiables when it comes to picking an SPF product. Any sunscreen you buy should: From there, you can make personal decisions regarding which type of formulation works better for you. The primary difference between chemical (also called organic) sunscreens and physical sunscreens is how each protects your skin.

Chemical sunscreen ingredients — such as avobenzone, octocrylene and oxybenzone — absorb UV light rather than blocking it. The UV rays are then converted into a non-damaging form of heat. Imagine these as little baseball mitts that capture UV rays and convert them into heat vapor, board-certified dermatologi.