Whether you’re a naturally competitive Fire sign or a meticulous Earth sign, there’s a sport that aligns perfectly with your zodiac sign Getty (3) Curious about which Olympic sport you would medal in based on your ? Look to the stars to discover which sport resonates most with your sign — and get inspired by watching some of the world’s greatest athletes compete for their gold, silver and bronze medals. Whether you’re a naturally competitive drawn to the intensity of track and field or a meticulous fascinated by an Olympic diver’s grace and technique, rest assured, there’s a sport that aligns perfectly with your zodiac sign. never ceases to prove itself — the take place during season, a zodiac sign that has everything to do with courage, stamina and the indomitable spirit of competition.

Even the — symbolizing a culminating moment that resulted from hard work and perseverance — . As thousands of athletes and renowned figures gather to celebrate the official kick-off of the in Paris, read on to see which one you'd medal in, according to your zodiac sign. Related: Michael Steele/Getty Just like your fierce planetary ruler, Mars, you're dynamic, competitive and full of energy, .

Being a Fire sign can also explain why you thrive on excitement and never shy away from a challenge. Whether it's sprints or decathlons and heptathlons, the burst of speed and competitive edge surrounding track and field perfectly suits you. Alex Slitz/Getty You value beauty just as m.