Venus, known as the "Morning star" or "Evening star," outshines all planets, dazzling near dawn and dusk due to its proximity to Earth. When one looks up in the sky from Earth, the brightest objects would be the Sun and the Moon. But apart from the two mentioned, Venus is the third brightest planet which is visible to people.

It is also known as the “Morning star” or “Evening star,” as it dazzles everybody with its brightness near dawn (sunrise) or dusk (sunset). Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and quite bright itself but to put it in perspective, Jupiter at its brightest is nearly as bright as Venus at its faintest. Jupiter is generally the brightest of the remaining planets, but it’s sometimes even fainter than Mars.

The varying brightness of these planets is a result of the changing distance between them and Earth as they move closer and farther, while the other planets and Earth, both orbit the Sun. While the brightness of these planets shifts and varies from duration to duration, Venus still remains the most luminous, and it has various contributing factors to it as well. Venus is considered one of the inner planets because of its proximity to the sun (apart form Mercury), it also works is favour of Venus being the brightest planet.

Its orbit is closer to that of Earth, additionally, it is nearly as big as Earth, making it more visible than Mercury. All these factors combined make Venus reflective and a beautiful feature in the sky. Watch Venu.