Summary The US Navy's FY 2025 budget includes 75 new aircraft procurement, with plans to divest 123 older aircraft, saving millions. The Navy plans to acquire various aircraft like F-35B/C, CH-53K, T-54, and MQ-25A, while also certifying more carriers. Notable omissions in planned purchases are already funded purchases with ongoing deliveries in FY 2025.

Together with the Marines, the US Navy is arguably the world's second most powerful air force (after the US Air Force). They have around 3,300 non-drone and trainer aircraft. Their combat fleet boasts some of the world's most advanced fighter aircraft, like the F-35 stealth fighter, the F/A-18 Super Hornet, and the EA-G Growler.

But what aircraft are the Navy and the Marines planning to purchase in FY 2025? Meanwhile, the US Senate has allocated another $3.4 billion for the Air Force to purchase more aircraft. The Navy's FY 2025 budget The Department of the Navy's (which includes the Marine Corps) March 11 budget request calls for $16.

2 billion in total aircraft procurement. Like the Air Force, the Navy's air fleet is expected to shrink going forward. While only planning to procure 76 aircraft, the combined service plans to divest 123 aircraft in FY 2025.

"The Department of the Navy plans to retire 123 aircraft in FY 2025 for a total operational savings of $362.9 million in FY 2025. 75 of these aircraft are Navy aircraft ($203.

5 million in FY 2025 operational savings), and 48 are Marine Corps aircraft ($159.4 million in FY 20.