The match will start at 9pm , but sources of the Consistory of Palma have reported that from 8pm hours, "the Institut Municipal de l'Esport (IME) will animate the wait of the attendees through various recreational and musical activities". The Majorca Daily Bulletin Media Group is holding a night to remember at the luxury Sheraton Hotel in Son Vida . Event kicks off at 8.

30pm on Sunday. Selection of drinks, finger food and sanchwiches and a souvenir t-shirt. Price 45 euros.

Need to book today by calling 971 788 405 or email Giant public screens (free) In terms of security, the National Police and Local Police will control access to the Plaza de la Reina "in order to ensure that the influx of people does not exceed the limits indicated in the security regulations". They will also be responsible for "monitoring the application of traffic restrictions, which will come into force in the area at around 7pm ".

Specifically, the area affected will be the Plaza de la Reina, as well as nearby areas, such as the Paseo del Borne and the avenues Jaume III and Antoni Maura". For its part, the Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Palma (EMT) has announced that on the 14th of July its vehicles will carry Spanish flags in their rear-view mirrors as an "action of support for the Spanish national team in view of the momentous duel they face this Sunday". In addition, the municipal area of Mobility will authorise that on the day of the match "taxi drivers in Palma w.