Gemstones are not just beautiful additions to our surroundings; they are believed to carry unique energies that can influence various aspects of our lives. Properly placing gemstones in your home can help you harness their positive effects. Here’s a guide to the best placements for gemstones to maximize their benefits.

Amethyst is known for its calming and soothing properties. To promote relaxation and peace in your home, place an amethyst cluster in the living room or meditation area. This gemstone can help reduce stress and anxiety, creating a serene environment for family gatherings and personal reflection.

Rose quartz is associated with love and harmony. For fostering positive relationships and creating a loving atmosphere, place a piece of rose quartz in the bedroom or near the entrance of your home. This placement can enhance emotional connections and promote a nurturing environment.

Citrine is linked to abundance and prosperity. To attract financial success and boost your career opportunities, place citrine in your home office or study area. Additionally, placing it in the southeast corner of your home, which is the wealth corner according to Feng Shui , can enhance its effects.

Clear quartz is a versatile gemstone known for its amplifying and healing properties. To promote mental clarity and overall well-being, position clear quartz in areas where you need focus and inspiration, such as your study or workspace. It can also be placed in the center of your home to bal.