The Warhammer 40,000 universe is as wide as it is deep and diving in can be a daunting task. This guide will offer some of the best sources for Warhammer 40K lore to kick off your journey. As big fans of Warhammer 40K ourselves, one of the most exciting things that can happen is when someone asks “Where do I start?”.

That’s usually followed up by an immediate sense of dread because that can be a very tough question to answer. With the release of Space Marine 2 in 2024, the Warhammer 40K universe got some tremendous exposure with the game being one of the most played Warhammer titles ever. Our review outlines how it functions as a love letter to fans and the game is chock full of references that veterans of the hobby and setting will recognize.

As much of the media related to Warhammer 40K is however, parts of it might be a little incomprehensible to newcomers. For this reason, we decided to drum up a list of the best sources for Warhammer 40K lore so you can take your first tentative steps toward understanding this behemoth. Here they are.

Lexicanum – The Warhammer 40K Wiki This might seem like a bit of an obvious answer but Lexicanum is a fairly comprehensive Wiki that houses a treasure trove of Warhammer 40K knowledge and lore. When looking to get a basic understanding of the universe, sometimes it’s easiest to just google a character, concept, or faction that has piqued your interest and go from there. Any term you don’t understand will likely have its own link.