The 1993 hit film Hocus Pocus has become a Halloween classic as it follows a villainous comedic trio of witches. Featuring a stellar lineup of ghastly witches, (Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker), the Sanderson sisters and their pursuit of eternal youth, combined with some spicy adult jokes and even a catchy music number has firmly landed this film high in the ranks of the cult classics. It's been more than 30 years since this kitschy number hit the silver screen, leaving behind a legacy of now grown-up fans and some great Halloween costume inspiration.

The original cast all came together to celebrate three decades since the film as they visited Salem, where the first film takes place. They also reunited last year for sequel film Hocus Pocus 2. But where are our favourite characters now? Winifred (Bette Midler) Acting heavyweight Bette was already a big star when the movie came out.

She had already won several Emmys and boasted an impressive acting career when she assumed the lead role as Winifred. And, with her terrifying stare and spindly nails, she did not disappoint. Since Hocus Pocus, Bette has gone on to perform at a plethora of Broadway shows, written several books and recently appeared in the film The Glorias as well as Netflix's The Politician.

Bette reprised her role as Winifred for Disney+ in 2022 and last year starred in comedy-drama film Sitting in Bars with Cake. Sarah (Sarah Jessica Parker) Another acting legend, Sarah was 28 when she became t.