One moment, a protester is lamenting the fact that immigrants are stealing their jobs. The next, someone’s proudly proclaiming their criminal record as a valid excuse for unemployment. I’m starting to think we should reconsider our entire species if that’s the best argument out there.

This whole thing is starting to sound like a real-life comedy sketch where the punchlines just keep getting worse. It feels like a bizarre international choir rehearsal gone wrong. Imagine a conductor insisting everyone belt out the same tune, but each singer uses their native tongue! It’s a cacophony of accents and melodies, all aiming for a supposed harmony that never quite arrives.

Some folks might say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but if this is the best humanity can muster, we’re setting a pretty low bar for the animal kingdom. It’s almost like our politicians have traded suits for scripts and the protesters are just reciting lines with all the enthusiasm of a bored teenager at a school play. Where’s the passion? Where’s the truth? This tired script needs a serious rewrite — I imagine the writers’ room brainstorming session went something like this: Writer 1: “Okay, so we need to come up with some really compelling reasons why people are upset about immigration.

” Writer 2: “How about ‘They’re taking our jobs’?” Writer 3: (rolls eyes) “Been there, done that. We need something original.” Writer 4: “I’ve got it! ‘They’re coming here .