Q. My parents are living with significant limitations from severe arthritis, recent surgeries plus the beginning of cognitive problems. My brother and I have been alternating weekdays and weekends tending to their needs and managing their care providers – some of whom are not great.

The stress, wear and tear on us is huge. We need some help. S.

L Indeed, you are facing a problem and are not alone in assuming responsibility for your parent’s well-being. Almost f ive million family caregivers in California are helping their parents, spouses, and friends who need assistance with everyday tasks to live well in their homes and communities. Today, families often live far apart with responsibility for care falling on one or more family members.

Such ongoing responsibility can be overwhelming. Although you and your brother are not full-time, on-site caregivers, the long-term physical and emotional stress you may be experiencing are risk factors to your well-being. A recommended partial solution: Consider hiring a professional geriatric care manager often referred to as a lifecare manager or aging life care expert.

These professionals may be social workers, nurses, gerontologists, counselors or other professionals trained in caring for older adults, according to the Alzheimer’s Association . They may be members of the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) that requires meeting stringent education, experience and certification requirements and adhering to a strict Code of Ethics and .