When Will Drew Carey Retire from The Price Is Right? By Is the news about from true? The reality game show has captivated viewers for decades with its simple yet thrilling premise wherein contestants compete to guess the prices of everyday items. But, when will give up his duties and from The Price Is Right? Here’s all you want to know about the rumors of host Drew Carey’s retirement from The Price Is Right. Is Drew Carey retiring from The Price Is Right? In a recent interview with , Carey was asked about his retirement from the show’s hosting duties.

Answering the question, he said, “Before, I was like, “Can I make it to five years? Can I make it to the end of my contract? Can I make it 10 years?” The longest I’d been on TV was The Drew Carey Show, nine years. Once I hit 10 years here, I was like, “Wow, that’s the longest I’ve ever had a job in my life.” The veteran TV host continued, “It’s such just a great part of my day, my year, my life.

I can’t imagine giving it up.” I don’t like CBS to know that [Laughs], but it’s going to be a few years ’til my next contract negotiation. So maybe forget I said this.

I can quit anytime I want!” Moreover, he expressed his simple approach to work, stating that he primarily focuses on fulfilling his daily duties and ensuring continued employment. While Carey does not consider himself the longest-serving employee, he has a clear goal to continue working until the end of his life. He mentioned that this.