I have three teenage daughters — one who had physical health issues for years which she has outgrown, and one with behavioural issues which she has also outgrown. For years they begged us for a puppy, but we had our hands full and just couldn’t take it on. Last fall, my husband and I caved, and agreed on the premise that between the three of them, they would do a lot of the work.

All three are in school all day, so we knew that the bulk of the day would fall on us. We both work shift work, so knew that for the most part, someone would be home with the puppy all the time. The girls agreed and we took the plunge.

No sooner did we get her, then one of the girls was asked to be on a competitive gymnastics team, which practices four weekday evenings and several hours both weekend days; and another daughter was asked to teach skating two afternoon/evenings during the week and one weekend day. You can see where this is going ..

. None of the girls are caring for the pup. Help! First of all, I hope you feel blessed and grateful that you have three healthy children, all with drive and ambition, and the means to have even brought a dog into your home.

I don’t say that in a judge-y way. We just all need to take a step back sometimes, look at our lives, and appreciate the positives. Now let’s figure out how to make this work.

It’s fabulous that your daughters are busy, so let’s look at their schedules first. For example, each girl can be tasked with getting up early one weekda.