In a heartwarming and humorous throwback, filmmaker Karan Johar took to Instagram to share a fun memory involving Shah Rukh Khan from the set of the 1998 blockbuster Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. The film, known for its iconic moments, music, and fashion, also had its fair share of behind-the-scenes challenges, as Karan revealed in his post. Accompanying an old video clip of Shah Rukh Khan, Karan recalled the superstar’s discomfort with the “bright tight garments” he had to wear while portraying the charming college heartthrob Rahul Khanna.

In the clip, Shah Rukh candidly shared his awkwardness about the fashion choices—particularly those “Lycra tight tees”—but somehow, as Karan humorously noted, he still managed to embody “main fashion core energy.” Karan’s post was a delightful mix of nostalgia and humor, especially when he poked fun at himself for mistakenly calling a basketball shot a “goal” during a scene’s filming. Shah Rukh, ever the gentleman, gently corrected him by whispering, “It’s a basket,” leaving Karan searching for an actual basket before realizing the mix-up.

A post shared by Karan Johar (@karanjohar) Johar captioned the post, “So much of what @iamsrk wore in KKHH is still so fashion relevant even today! The belt bag...

the oversized hoodies ...

the graffiti jeans...

and many more! (ok the Lycra tight tees are a massive No no today but some unfortunate souls still wear them).” The post was a nostalgic nod to the ’90s, filled with f.