Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor, who has given several blockbusters in her illustrious career of over two decades, once included a ’no kissing’ clause in her movie contracts after marrying Tashan costar Saif Ali Khan. In one of the interviews in 2014, the actress said that romance can also be depicted without kissing scenes. While talking to Rediff, when asked whether she would change her clause as new generation are open to do intimate scenes if the script demands, Bebo replied, “No, I don’t think so.

I am married and both Saif and I have decided that we will not kiss on screen. I am sure romance can be shown without a liplock and history has proved that in Indian cinema. If other actors are willingly doing it, then good for them.

” However, Sara Ali Khan encouraged her father and Kareena to break this stance. “I think it was Sara with whom we discussed it. So Saif told his daughter, ‘We have decided not to kiss on-screen.

’ She said, ‘I think that is really silly because you both are actors. The films that are being made today, there is nothing wrong if two characters have to kiss each other.’ Like in Ki and Ka the husband and wife can’t be like ‘We can’t kiss each other,’ or show a flower peck.

R Balki was not going to agree to that. So, Sara said, ‘Guys, as long as you don’t kiss off-screen, you should go-ahead and kiss on-screen. So, Sara was somebody who influenced us,” said Kareena while talking to Filmfare in 2019.

On the professional fro.