Wheel of Fortune fans have had a lot of negative things to say about the hit game show's new season, but now they're taking aim at its apparent "dizzing" jump cuts. Season 42 has already drawn criticism from viewers as they've called the new set design "over the top " and horrible for being too bright and "hurting" their eyes, distracting them from puzzles. Numerous viewers have even called for the dismissal of the set designers, feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of color and lines in the background.

Angry Wheel of Fortune fans say Ryan Seacrest's debut is 'worst day of my life' Wheel of Fortune fans furious as contestant wins $26,000 despite glaring mistake However, now fans are centering their attention of the show's jump cuts, with several angry fans taking to Reddit to share their negative opinions. At the top of the board, the poster wrote: "The Jump Cuts on the New Season are Dizzying." Underneath, they wrote: "I've noticed that they are speeding the show up significantly with rapid fire jump cuts and it's honestly hard to watch.

They do this on the new version of Password too. "On Password they will NOT hold a shot for more than 3 seconds before cutting to something else. It's hard to get used to and it's almost making me anxious.

" In the comments section, one person agreed: "Absolutely. They also don’t show the puzzle long enough for me to play along at home." Another pointed out: "This is a symptom from internet video culture.

It absolutely sucks. The jump cut w.