Youths play basketball at the Richard Brown Community Center. The baseball fields at Roger J. Clouatre Memorial Park in St.

Amant aren’t going anywhere, but the question of how to use the remaining land off Stringer Bridge Road was up for debate at an information session Tuesday. Led by consultant Randy Albarez, who called parks the “soul” of a community, the meeting was followed by another Wednesday concerning Richard Brown Community Center and park in Geismar. The gatherings were aimed to kick off a period of public input to help inform the creation of two master plans.

Several members of the Clouatre family attended the St. Amant session, which saw around 20 total attendees suggest everything from improving parking for baseball games to a fishing pier. Kayla Clouatre, who has lived near the park for eight years, said she walks there six days a week.

“There's a nice little walking trail that's like eight-tenths of a mile. It's very friendly,” she said. “You end up seeing the same people that we kind of have the same schedule.

” And while she didn’t have any personal requests for the park, she expected a few relatively simple fixes. “The walking track itself needs some repair ..

. so I'm sure that's going to be in it,” she said. “And I think they're going to put probably need some security lighting out around there as well.

” Randy Clouatre, Roger’s brother, shared the park’s history, which began in 1968 with a group of determined residents. “A bun.