The internet wants Hannah Neeleman to be freed from her life as a tradwife. If you’re into the mommy-blogger corner of social media or have ever fallen down a tradwife rabbit hole , then you know Neeleman as “Ballerina Farm,” but if not, here’s the gist: She has many children (eight), her husband is the son of a billionaire, she was formerly a ballerina in New York City, and she currently competes in beauty pageants . In late July, a profile of Neeleman and her seemingly simple life from the Times of London sparked discourse over the reporter’s portrayal of Neeleman as someone trapped in the fantasy of her very rich husband, Daniel, the son of JetBlue founder David Neeleman.

In what will surely soon be an Erin Lee Carr HBO docuseries or a one-season limited series on Hulu starring a recognizable blonde actress in an egg apron, here are all the details you need to know about the Ballerina Farm semi-controversy. Hannah married Daniel Neeleman in 2011, just before her senior year at Julliard. They purchased the farm in Kamas, Utah, that would become the Ballerina Farm in 2018.

Of course, no one with any sense just runs a farm in private anymore; you also need to make farm content, which is what has made her famous enough (9.8 million Instagram followers and 9.5 million TikTok followers) to warrant the July 20 profile in the Times of London that called her the “Queen of the Tradwives.

” This subculture has had its moment online, but for anyone new here: Tradwives are.