9pm, BBC One Celebrity versions of TV shows often pale in comparison, but this latest trek by celebs and their non-celebrity partners has been great fun . The four pairings are now on the final leg, which sees them having to cross the Andes and head to the final checkpoint at Frutillar in southern Chile (by way of the nearby Osorno Volcano). Funds are running low, however, especially for Scott and Sam, so picking up some work is a necessity.

Kola and Mary Ellen are in a similar situation. And this being the final leg, the duos take time to reflect on their journey across South America and how it has affected their relationships. 8pm, U&Drama Adrian Scarborough’s eponymous policeman is obviously a trusting sort – leaving his bicycle unlocked as he makes his various calls.

But then perhaps Chelsea is too well-heeled to contain bicycle thieves. This latest two-part story involves the mysterious disappearance of a celebrity chef and it soon transpires that all was not well at her King’s Road restaurant. 9pm, BBC Two The final part of this excellent and surprisingly intimate profile of Volodymyr Zelensky has the Ukrainian president ruefully remarking that series director Michael Waldman has spent more time recently with his wife, Olena, than he has.

The episode follows the president from the first hours of the invasion and how he managed to galvanise Western leaders by appealing over their heads to their voters. And while Zelensky, who had been personally targeted by Russian.