Feeling a little drained? It may be due to the influence of the Sun in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces . Take it easy today if you need to. Not only is time out good for your wellbeing, it’s also useful for gaining a fresh perspective on whatever’s troubling you – so try not to feel guilty about a slower pace.

Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ horoscopes for today: Friday September 20, 2024. Like checking your horoscope every morning? You can now sign up to our free daily newsletter to get a personalised reading for your star sign delivered straight to your inbox. To order your unique personal horoscope based on your time, date and place of birth, visit patrickarundell.

com . Aries March 21 to April 20 With the Sun opposing Neptune, you may be caught between working harder and surrendering to the flow. You might also feel a little drained and unsure.

Your usual fiery energy could flicker. It’s also easy to misjudge situations now, so double-check before acting. Feel a strong urge to push forward? If so, consider stepping back for a while to allow greater clarity to emerge.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries Taurus April 21 to May 21 Something might not add up, which may be down to an ethereal aspect that can enhance misunderstandings. It’s also possible that someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes and that your instinct is correct. Give it a few days though and see what transpires.

By then you’ll know more about what�.