is a content creator and body confidence advocate who shares how she navigates divorce and single life in her thirties with her half-million followers. “I’ve been single for just over a year now. I love having my own space, the routines I’ve built for myself and the independence I feel during this time.

The freedom I have to go wherever and do whatever I want is something I’ve never experienced before. I consider myself a baby dater after being for over 10 years. I’ve been single since May 2023 but didn’t feel ready to date until spring of 2024.

Now I’m just dipping my toes in and seeing what’s out there. As empowering as being single can be, I do dislike the process of dating. In this climate, I feel it can be disheartening.

While very accessible — especially if you don’t know a lot of single people in the city — and it’s easy to go after what you’re looking for, I’ve found that as time passes, you keep seeing the same people over and over again. Unfortunately, the process starts to feel a bit redundant. My job can look very social, but it’s often hard to meet men at events or social gatherings as my niche is female-focused.

It seems all my taken friends also have friends and family who are taken, so while I hope to be set up by people I know, it hasn’t happened yet. When I do try to meet people in person, I love hitting up a happy hour in the city, normally around King St. W.

Especially in the summer, I find the bars are frequented by men in .