To grasp the fashion choices of the much-debated Gen Z, it is imperative to empathise with this unique cohorts’ sentiments and participate in the dialogues that tend to rule their mind space. With over 100 million GenZ consumers in India, this demographic wields considerable influence over the country's consumer landscape. As pioneers of societal change, the country’s most influential digital natives have far reaching aspirations, ambitions, and values that redefine our social fabric, challenging traditional norms and reshaping the future towards ‘something’ better! "There is no such thing as ugly.

That’s a word that doesn’t really enter my vocabulary. If there’s any definition to being perfect, you’re perfect at being yourself.” - Zendaya Here are a few key ones, where many a homegrown D2C (Instagram) label have tapped into and garnered Gen Z loyalty: Gen Z champions "woke culture" by embracing and respecting individuals of all races, sexual orientations, and body types.

They are strong advocates of body positivity and gender neutrality, making inclusivity a core value. They refuse to be confined to a single tribe, striving for individuality and personal relatability in everything they do, and hence seek the same from fashion. Their awakening to find their cultural roots drives them to navigate this chaos of modernity to find authentic stories of their past or what it means to be Indian.

For Gen Zs, it is about creating memorable brand experiences through s.